Main Section Documents with new name will be received by citizens after Ministry of...

Documents with new name will be received by citizens after Ministry of Interior completes purchase

Фото: Архива на „Мета“

The identification documents that contain the new name Republic of North Macedonia i.e., passports, id cards, driver’s licenses will be acquired when the government announces in the Official Gazette the date when the constitutional amendments and the constitutional law enter into force.

The protocol from Athens is expected to be sent today.

When asked when can the citizens acquire documents containing the new name, the government’s spokesperson, Mile Boshnjakoski told Meta agency that when the demand is sent and published in the Official Gazette and then MoI will have to call for the procurement of new documents.

“MoI will have to procure new passports, documents. There is no limitation whether the citizens can acquire new documents while the procurement is underway because they will receive old documents and then they will have to replace them in a period of 5 years” said Boshkoski.

Meta agency is waiting for a reply from the MOI about how long the procedure for procuring new documents will take.

Otherwise, the change of the inscriptions and the tables from state institutions and the Parliament has begun, and this morning the inscription “Government of the Republic of Macedonia” was removed from the building of the Government.