Main Section Dimitrov: No one has asked Macedonia to become a destination for refugees

Dimitrov: No one has asked Macedonia to become a destination for refugees

The Head of the Macedonian diplomacy, Nikola Dimitrov, on his Twitter profile announced that none of the EU’s representatives have asked Macedonia to become a destination for refugees.

-I had hundreds of meetings starting from 1st of June and onwards. none of them, not one interlocutor had asked Macedonia to become a country destination for refugees – wrote Dimitrov on his Twitter account.

Dimitrov’s reaction comes after civil organization “Awakening’s” campaign which is gathering signatures in more municipalities in the country against, as they say, the building of apartments for refugees, that the state plans to welcome on its own territory.

Part of the media claims that behind the initiative and the gathering of signatures is VMRO-DPMNE which in the past period almost every day through announcements and statements issued by its members and MPs in the Parliament is accusing the government that it is planning to receive refugees and it plans to build apartments for their accommodation.

Such claims of the opposition kicked into a higher gear with the publishing of the draft-strategy of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy (MLSP)for integration of refugees and foreigners in the period between 2017-2027 and the action plan for integration of refugees 2017-2027.

The government and the MLSP deny accusations issued by VMRO-DPMNE and claim that no population of the country with refugees is planned and that Macedonia only remains a transiting country for migrants.