Correspondents Albanian Teacher Day marked in Tetovo

Albanian Teacher Day marked in Tetovo

With the reveal the board with the name of the new high school “7th of March” in the school building in Tetovo settlement Drenovec and visit of primary and secondary schools, Education Minister Abdilakim Ademi along with Mayor of Tetovo Teuta Arifi, marked 7th of March – Albanian Techer Day.

Classes in new high school “7th of March” will officially begin to take place in the next school year. In it will be enrolled some of the students who attend classes in Albanian, while students Albanians and Macedonians will attend class together in the building of the old high school.

With this division into two larger objects, the several problems with spatial conditions with which Tetovo high school students were facing will be solved. Holiday “7th of March” is marked since 1887, when teaching in Albanian first began in the Albanian city of Korcha.