Main Section Protests for Martin Neshkovski in several cities today

Protests for Martin Neshkovski in several cities today

Protests to demand responsibility for covering up the murder of Martin Neshkovski are announced in several cities around the country for today at 6 pm.

On the “Facebook” group titled “Stop police brutality” was posted:

“The day was long, filled with anger and righteousness. Police beat, chased and arrested its people, brought water cannon and nightsticks. Today we found out that we were on the right side for all these years. To fight for life! Every day at 6! See you tomorrow!”

Protests are announced for Bitola as well, and the announcement reads:

“After the release of recordings confirming the cover-up of the murder of Martin Neshkovski by the government, and the protest in Skopje, Bitola again joins the protests against police brutality! All united together for a better future! The plan is to meet at the fountain and continue through Shirok sokak to MOI. For better future for all!”.

Also an announcement for protests in Prilep was announced on “Facebook”:

“Prilep, today at 6 pm #I protest against police brutality, near the Wall, the stone stage. All that feel that should join me are welcome. Props are banners and whistles. If anyone wants, he can also create an event.”