Criminal Court receives 12 requests for amnesty

Фото: Архива на Мета.мк

Up to this morning, 12 requests for amnesty were submitted to the Criminal Court Skopje by the defendants involved in the violent events that took place in the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia from 27 April 2017.

Each of the defendants from “April 27” has the right to apply for amnesty if he or she considers meets the requirements prescribed by the Law.

The five-day deadline for submitting applications for amnesty expires tomorrow. The defendants can submit requests to the Court personally or by post. After the expiration of the deadline for filing the applications, the Court and the Prosecution have their own five-day deadline to decide who will be pardoned and who will not.

The law on amnesty was announced last Thursday via the Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia, after it was signed by the President of the Republic, Gjorgje Ivanov.

On March 18th, following a fast-track procedure with 95 votes in favor, Macedonian Parliament passed the Amnesty Law for those involved in the events in Parliament on 27 April last year, The Law was passed with no votes against or abstentions.

In accordance with the Law, the amnesty does not cover the organizers, the individuals who carried out physical violence, those who carried weapons and officials who did not follow orders.