Main Section Amdi Bajram’s party enters the Government, the DPA chose Bardyl Dauti

Amdi Bajram’s party enters the Government, the DPA chose Bardyl Dauti

In addition to DPA, and BESA’s wing led by Afrim Gashi, an agreement has been reached for Amdi Bajram’s party, the Roma Union, to enter the Government, confirmed Prime Minister Zoran Zaev.

Bajram’s party will not receive a ministerial post, but its party’s staff will get a post in the lower echelons of the executive branch.

Meanwhile, at a meeting in Tetovo, the DPA central assembly made the decision on the names they want to nominate to Prime Minister Zaev, for minister without portfolio in charge of economy and foreign investments and deputy minister of transport and communications.

The ministerial position should fall to Bardhyl Dauti, while Mitasim Beqiri is absent for the post of deputy minister of transport and communications.