Almost 70% of the German investors in North Macedonia would invest again

Извор на фотографија: Влада на РСМ

Almost 70% of the German investors that have made investments in North Macedonia would do the same again, shows the poll implemented by the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in North Macedonia (Delegation der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Nordmazedonien).

The current situation in their companies was evaluated by the respondents as worse compared to previous years. Only 8% of the respondents consider their own business situation as good and in 2019, this percentage was 29 while 53% of the respondents consider it as satisfactory. In 2019, 61% of the respondents considered the year as satisfactory.

The Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in North Macedonia has been carrying out this poll regularly since 2006. This year, the poll was implemented in the period from the 1st of March until the 14th of April.