Ahmeti after meeting with Rama: It is too early to dicuss a new coalition with Gruevski

The leader of DUI, Ali Ahmeti during his visit to Tirana had meetings with the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, Speaker of the Albanian Parliament, Ilir Meta and with President Bujar Nishani, says a correspondent from “Meta” in Tirana.

“The Ohrid Framework Agreement, Macedonia’s membership in NATO and the European Union, economic development and equality among ethnic communities will be the principles on which we will conduct negotiations in the future”, Ahmeti told the press after meeting with Albanian officials.

He added that it is still early to talk about a new coalition with the VMRO-DPMNE’s leader, Nikola Gruevski.

Earlier this week, straight after the parliamentary elections on Sunday, Prime Minister Edi Rama met with leaders of Besa, the Alliance of Albanians and DPA, Bilal Kasami, Sela Zijadin and Menduh Thaci.

For two days, in the media information has circulated that Ahmeti had canceled the meeting with Rama, but yesterday, he still traveled to Tirana to meet with top officials from Albania.