The Government will subsidize the social security contributions for media workers for three months

Фото: Ахива на Мета.мк

During yesterday’s session, the Government adopted a Decree to subsidize the social security contributions for media employees. The Decree determines the conditions, the ways, and the procedures for covering the social security contributions for media employees who worked and reported about the COVID-19 situation during the state of emergency i.e. during June, July, and August 2020, informed the Government’s press service.

The Macedonian Independent Syndicate of Journalists and Media workers requested such measures for the media outlets that have lowered the wages of its journalists and media workers, but only if they oblige to return the witheld ammounts to its employees and that it should be done simultaneously with the implementation of this measure.


This article was produced within the framework of the project “Media Reform Observatory“, implemented by the Foundation for Internet and the Society “Metamorphosis”, with financial support by the Foundation “Open Society – Macedonia”.

The content is sole responsibility of its authors and in no way whatsoever could be understood as a representation of the views of the Foundation “Open Society – Macedonia”.