The Macedonian Independent Syndicate of Journalists and Media Workers condemns the attacks, insults and defamations upon journalist Miroslava Burns

Илустрација: ССНМ

The Macedonian Independent Syndicate of Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM) stated that it is disgusted by the insults, attacks and the defamations published by on the account of journalist Miroslava Burns.

“We are disgusted by the vocabulary used in the articles published by this website that in any form cannot be considered as appropriate for use in a public discourse, and we are especially disgusted by the sexists insults and the defamation, including the insults that invade the “target’s” private life. The use of any type of defamation and insults is unacceptable especially during a public debate or, as in this case, are used as a reaction to a professionally written text by our colleague. We consider that an end must be put to the time when personal defamation are used against facts and arguments and, in this case, it doesn’t even use street level language, but monstrous constructions that are, by far, out of touch with the article it reacted upon” said the SSNM’s press release.

The syndicate considers it’s important and it’s time to show solidarity in issuing one general condemnation of this manner of “polemising” without any argument but with monstrous defamation and insults.

“In this situation, we stress that the portal “DokazM”, as seen from its website, is supported by adverts by renowned domestic companies. This could mean that one part of the important Macedonian companies support this sort of discourse in a public debate. We support our colleague Miroslava Burns and we encourage her to seek justice at a court” SSNM said.


The text is made within the framework of the project “Media Reform Observatory”, implemented by the Foundation for Internet and Society Metamorphosis, with the financial support of the “Foundation Open” Society – Macefoom-logo-disklejmerdonia “. The content of the text is the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way be considered to reflect the views of the “Open Society Foundation – Macedonia”.