Prosecution: Pendarovski should issue a call for the adoption of a Law on the Public Prosecutor’s Office

Архивска фотографија | Мета.мк

After yesterday’s press conference by President Stevo Pendarovski, during which he asked from the institutions to finish the investigation in an effective, quick and thorough manner and at the same time to respect the presumption of innocence, the Public Prosecution responded to his call today.

The prosecutors state that now is not the moment for attacking the institutions and they will not let any of the prosecutors to be discredited including interference in legal procedures on part of politicians. They think that the president should call for the MPs to adopt the new Law on the Public Prosecutor’s Office that will help solve SPO’s future.

“The statement issued by the President of North Macedonia that he provides complete support for the prosecution and that he will use all constitutional and legal authorizations to protect it from pressures would have been more real if he summoned the MPs to vote for the Law on the Public Prosecutor’s Office and if a support was provided for strengthening of the Prosecution’s capacities for a more efficient fight against crime and to achieve the rule of law.” states the Prosecution

The press release issues a message that “for the stressed case, it is acted upon unselectively and timely, in accordance with a previously determined plan and that all involved in any criminal acts will be questioned and will be held accountable in accordance with the law.