Mogherini: It will be a huge mistake if the EU does not start negotiations in June

High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini expects accession negotiations for North Macedonia and Albania to begin in June.

Addressing the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament, Mogherini said it would be a huge strategic mistake and an example of the EU’s “short-sightedness” if it does not decides to open accession negotiations with Skopje and Tirana in June, MIA reports.

According to her, the EU enlargement policy is one of the success stories during its five-year mandate and the mandate of the current composition of the EP.

“When you look at the map of Europe, you see that the Balkans are part of it. For this reason, instead of the term enlargement, I personally want to talk more about reunifying the Balkans with Europe”, Mogherini said.

She cited the Agreement between Skopje and Athens as a successful example of European policy towards the Balkans.

“Our policy towards the Balkans is a success story that had a difficult start and a path from the unexpected to establishing trust and common challenges,” Mogherini said.