Macedonia did not bomb Serbia, but “Alo” detonated all ethics and common sense

Serbian tabloid “Alo”, otherwise known for its “turbo-yellow” content and much of its defamatory content which is beneath all journalistic standards, while “defending Serbia” and often cheering on Russia, published an article yesterday denouncing Macedonian Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov, but also Macedonians in general.

Namely, after the headline “MACEDONIAN MINISTER SHOCK STATEMENT; We helped bomb Serbia”, the text by “Alo” starts with a completely unconfirmed assertion that “Macedonians were happy that Serbia was bombed and are proud to have taken part in it.” To be clear: in the text there are speculative allegations that at the NATO meeting on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the North Atlantic Alliance, between the foreign ministers, Dimtrov had boasted that Macedonia had supported the bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia FRY in 1999, that is, it gave NATO logistics, however nowhere in the text does it explain why Macedonians are happy, as the article claims.

To make things even more interesting, the article is illustrated with a photo of Prime Minister Zoran Zaev!

An even bigger problem is the spinning, that is, the twisting of known facts and slander without any reliable sustenance directed at Minister Dimitrov.

The tabloid “Alo”, citing “our source”, which is not at all determined and could have easily been made up, says that at a meeting in Washington, Dimitrov told his NATO counterparts that “Macedonia categorically supported the bombing of Serbia and Yugoslavia.”

“He even said that Macedonia provided logistics for the NATO aggression of FRY in 1999,” reads the quotation from the source that “Alo” will not share.