Detention for MPs and Chavkov, Ilievski, Damovski, Durlovski extended

The Criminal Court in Skopje extended the detention to another 30 days for MPs Krsto Mukoski, Sasho Vasilevski and Ljuben Arnaudov, the former Minister of Interior and the Director of Bureau for Public Safety, Mitko Chavkov, the organizers of the protests for “For a United Macedonia” Igor Durlovski, Boris Damovski, Bogdan Ilievski and another 16 people who were suspects in the violent attacks at the Parliament that occurred on the 27th of April.

The house arrest was extended for MPs Ljupcho Dimovski, Johan Tarchulovski, Zaklina Peshevska and for another suspect, while in the case of S.M. and M.M. the court accepted the prosecution’s proposal for canceling the detention and to put them in house arrest.

The Prosecution for fighting organized crime and corruption began an investigation on the 28th of November against 36 persons for the violent attacks at the Parliament and is charging them for a terrorist endangerment of the constitutional order and the country’s safety.