Gruevski: Hahn realised that a broad coalition is not a feasible idea

VMRO-DPMNE leader, Nikola Gruevski in an interview with “Nova” television said European Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn came to the country with the idea to encourage political parties to enter a broad coalition, but after talks with party leaders, he came to the conclusion that such a thing was not feasible.

“During the talks, he realized that in Macedonia a broad coalition is a failed concept. We had a broad coalition in 2001 and now, but in both situations the government became dysfunctional and it can be felt across the country. We, in that conversation (with Hahn) opened a lot of issues and we had a debate. Finally, he said that it is obvious that after the meetings with all parties, not only with VMRO-DPMNE, that the idea of a broad coalition is not a feasible, and that the party needs more time deciding what to do”, said Gruevski.

When asked what if a government is formed, and VMRO-DPMNE went into the opposition Gruevski said they would act as an opposition party and will be a “sincere and best partner to the citizens in realizing their interests.”

In connection with the “desorosization” project of Macedonia, Gruevski said the idea of VMRO-DPMNE is a government who in the future allocates more funds from the budget for NGOs, instead of them mostly being financed and “indoctrinated by Soros.”