Negotiations have begun in Pržino, however parties remain cautious

“We have come to make an agreement”, stated Artan Ggrubi, the representative from the DUI party before today’s round of negotiations between the political parties, all signatories to the Pržino Agreement at the Residence of the European union which began this afternoon.

When journalists from “Meta” asked the Vice President of the SDSM, Radmila Sekerinska whether they expected an agreement would be reached today, she briefly replied, “We will see”.

Imer Aliu, from the DPA and Nikola Todorov from the VMRO-DPMNE, would not comment.

Before the representatives of the working groups arrived at the EU residence in Pržino, the Ambassadors from the EU and the USA, Aivo Orav and Jess Baily arrived.

The two ambassadors smiled when we asked whether they were optimistic about a final agreement today.

Otherwise, at today’s meeting, it is expected that the working groups will discuss the powers and authority of the Interior Minister in the interim Government. However the ruling party, the VMRO-DPMNE and the opposition, the SDSM, have very different views on the issue.

The opposition requires that the Interior minister has full power and authority, while the VMRO-DPMNE believes that the minister should have limited powers.

According to the latest information, an agreement has been reached on the electoral roll, and an ad hoc group will control the media and the editor in chief of the public broadcasting service.