The USA calls upon VMRO-DPMNE publicly to support Katica Janeva and the SEC

Kate M Byrnes, representative of the United States to the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna urged VMRO-DPMNE to publicly support the work of the Special Prosecutor in all stages of her work, said “NovaTV.”

“The United States welcomes ongoing efforts to implement the Przhino Agreement, which represents Macedonia’s best path forward out of its political crisis.We also welcome former Prime Minister Gruevski’s resignation as a key milestone in the implementation of the Przhino Agreement. Many important commitments in the Przhino Agreement, however, have not been implemented. For example, the work of parliamentary oversight committees that should recommend reforms to the country’s intelligence services remains unfinished. Once completed, these reforms should establish political accountability for all those who are found to have acted unlawfully.

Statements from one political party, VMRO-DPMNE, and its leaders attacking the work of the Special Prosecutor are another source of concern. We call on all political parties, which unanimously agreed to Ms. Janeva’s appointment, to support the Special Prosecutor publicly during all stages of her work. We also encourage all the parties to support, both publicly and privately, the work of the independent State Election Commission to ensure it has sufficient staffing, resources, and access to the information it needs to conduct its work as it undertakes the first thorough analysis of the country’s voters list.

Finally, as we relayed to the government of Macedonia last Friday, the United States is concerned about the lack of progress on recommendations made by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights in 2014. These include: updating the voters list; media reform that provides equitable access to alternative viewpoints; separation of state and party; and prevention of voter intimidation and pressure. As key facilitators of the Przhino Agreement, the United States and EU will assess progress on these issues before parliament dissolves on February 24 to determine whether conditions are in place that would be conducive to holding credible elections on April 24, as envisioned in Przhino”, said Byrnes from Vienna