Инфлуенсери промовираат тестирање за ковид-19

Инстаграм инфлуенсери и учесници на реалити шоуто Love Island биле платени од страна на британската влада за да промовираат тестирање за ковид-19, објави Би-Би-Си (BBC). Ова е дел од поширока кампања како обид за тестирање и следење на заболени од ковид-19, која што е организирана од националната здравствена организација наречена NHS Test and Trace. Според нивна анализа, овие објави достигнале над 7 милиони луѓе. Објавите кои што се однесуваат на оваа кампања се означени како реклами и се обележани со хаштазите “#gettested” и “letsgetback”.

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A throwback to what I love most! Nights out and good friends! Although this may feel like a distant memory to us all, we can all do our part to make sure we can get back to better times, as safely as possible. Guys I want to remind you about the importance of Coronavirus testing and that its totally free, quick and is vital to stop the spread of coronavirus. Getting tested for coronavirus is the best way for us all to get back to doing the things we love and I love nothing more than spending time with my friends. Yesterday I visited my nearest drive though testing centre, which is literally 2 minutes from my house! I was able to book a test online, and have it carried out all under 1 hour, it was so convenient! When I woke up this morning I had already received my results by text and email! I’ve also checked the Royal Mail website to see where my nearest priority postbox is, as well as the stickers I need to look out for on the postbox itself. This will help me in the future if I need to carry out a home test kit. Everyone with symptoms, no matter how mild, can get a free test by calling 119 or visiting NHS.uk. #letsgetback #gettested #ad

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