Zaev: The solution is hard, Greece got an erga omnes name, we got an erga omnes identity


The solution we have reached with Greece is difficult, it’s hard for me, it’s hard for my people, but European aspiration and our duty to future generations is too big, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said in an interview with “Euroaktive”.

When asked if the opposition would make the implementation of the agreement more difficult, Zaev said it was contradictory, at the same time the opposition is against the amendment of the Constitution, but for membership in NATO and the EU.

“If we want to join NATO and the EU, we should be ready for a compromise. At the beginning, I also wished that there was no need to change the Constitution. But with the power of arguments during the negotiations, it became clear that such a view would create new problems. For once, we would like to put an end to the problems. In order to be able to build friendly relations and make agreements in favor of our two countries and our people, we had to compromise. Greece received an erga omnes for the name, we got an erga omnes for identity. At the same time, the identity of Macedonians living in Greece is guaranteed, this is clearly structured. Therefore, I am pleased that we have a fair and legally sound decision”, Zaev said.

He compared the Macedonian opposition with the Greek opposition in the interview and said that they are very alike, they make lots of noise, organize protests, use insults, i.e. they have the same tactics, but he is still convinced that with the opposition, the common sense will prevail, the love for the fatherland and the future of the country.