Zaev met with the parents of the boys liquidated near Smiljkovo Lake


SDSM leader Zoran Zaev met with the parents and relatives of the boys who were killed near Smiljkovo Lake in the massacre that happened on Holy Thursday – 12th of April 2012. Goran Nakevski, father of Aleksandar, one of the liquidated by the lake, said that they asked at the meeting Zaev to give them the materials he possesses.
SDSM spokesman Petre Shilegov for META neither confirmed nor denied that there was a meeting.
– We met with Zaev and asked for the materials and messages of Fejzi Aziri (one of the convicted), who, according to our information, communicated with the orderers. We know that there are such messages – stated Nakevski for META news agency.
Nakevski said Zaev hasn’t given them documents because he may know that they won’t remain silent and will immediately publish them.
Zaev promised that everything he possesses as tapped material and recordings on the case “Monster” will be announced and released.
Nakevski hopes that materials which Zaev will announce will have some effect and will cause the process to fully clarify the murder of five near Smiljkovci.
– Whatever Zaev sys will be beneficial. We are sick and tired of this agony in which we are for three years. We have information that Ali Ahmeti threatened the prosecutor handling the case not to publish coded phone conversations, so we asked him, if there is such a recording, to give it to us. He told us that it was in 2014, and he has recordings from 2011 to 2013. If we get this recording, we will play it in public because we have nothing to hide – says Nakevski.
SDSM leader in several interviews announced that he will publish everything he has on the case “Monster.”
– We promised that we will publish all that we possess. We will also show materials of the case “Monster”, which is very scary event in which four children and one adult were killed near Smiljkovo Lake. The victims are Macedonians and the convicted are Albanians. We will publish the whole truth we possess for this case, regardless if it will meet the expectations of some citizens – said Zaev for news agency “Fokus”.
Asked at the latest press conference of Zaev whether he will disclose conversations on Holy Thursday, three years from the revolting murder, Zaev replied that it will not do so out of respect for the Easter holidays.