Zaev’s attorneys have received a ruling from the court on the dismissal of the “Putsch” case


Zoran Zaev’s legal team has received a ruling from the Criminal Court for a formal dismissal of the procedure in the “Putsch” case after the Special Public Prosecutor’s Office decided to dismiss the charges.

This was confirmed by SDSM’s leader, Zoran Zaev, who said that he expects to receive a ruling from the court.

The ruling for stopping of the procedure should be received also by the Special Prosecutor’s Office but so far, there hasn’t been any official information whether they have received the document from the court.

The Special Public Prosecutor’s office withdrew itself and it withdrew the charges for the “Putsch” case on the 18th of January.

They announced back then that the reason for that decision is that he “Situation with the facts that was presented in the charges was contradictory with the evidence they had in their possession” and with the findings of the prosecution in the procedures for “Target” and “Fortress” cases.

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