Zaev- Netanyahu: Macedonia and Israel stand together on the side for peace in the world


The government delegation led by Prime Minister Zoran Zaev has met today with the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu. Both leaders issued a message that they both stand on the side for peace in the world.

-We look together towards a better future. We look for ways and fields where we can collaborate in the interest of the people and both countries. We have learned from the past how to secure the future. Israel is a technologically developed country and will help the Republic of Macedonia – said Netanyahu.

Zaev announced that the new government will use the Israeli experience for providing a better life for its citizens.

-There aren’t any open issues with Israel, both countries have friendly relations. We hope our collaboration with Israel will be on two levels, security and world peace, of what Israel is a prime example in the world. We hope that with the organizations such as NATO – we aim to be a member of NATO – to continue to collaborate since the threats of radicalism and extremism are present here in Israel and its region and in Macedonia and the Western Balkans. We have collaborated in the domain of security and the defense and I know that we shall increase our collaboration since it’s in the interest of all citizens and nations – said Zaev.

In a statement issued for the media, Zaev has stated that Macedonia has been preserving with great care the cultural heritage of the Jews in Macedonia.

Both leaders have agreed to deepen the economic collaboration, they talked about Israeli investments in Macedonia and for a direct flight line between Skopje and Tel Aviv.

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