The President of the Parliament sent an appeal for fair and regular elections, to all citizens, political parties, and the presidential candidates before the start of the campaign at the forthcoming presidential elections, which will officially start on the 1st of April.
He also said that it is in the country’s interest and that it is one of the conditions for the start of the EU accession negotiations.
“Firstly, an appeal to all citizens, to use their right to come out at the polling stations, to use their right to vote and to contribute to a starting regularity of the process. I appeal to all political subjects that support the presidential candidates directly or indirectly and with their acts and statements not to cause heated ambiance during the preelection campaign, but to have an appropriate level of political culture in their mutual communication i.e. the communication among each other and with the citizens” said Xhaferi at the regular briefing with the journalists.
The parliamentary speaker sent a message to the presidential candidates to make these elections to be acceptable for everyone i.e. the campaign not to receive a negative connotation.
When asked what will happen if a census is not reached in the second round of the elections, Xhaferi reminded that there is a procedure in accordance with the Constitution according to which the whole procedure is repeated and the president of the Parliament is becoming acting president until a new president is elected.