VMRO-DPMNE is calling out the citizens to join in the march in front of the Ministry of Justice


VMRO-DPMNE has issued a call for the citizens to join in the march, as they said, for “justice and the fatherland” which will take place today in front of the Ministry of Justice, starting at 16.30h.

“VMRO-DPMNE is organizing this march, but this is not a party rally, but a gathering of everyone who can and to which every patriot should join in, every citizen, regardless of nation, beliefs and category; every persion that condemns the revanchism, the political trials and injustice. Our narod is like a weed, one can try to pull it out but it will grow again and will grow up. Be a weed” said VMRO-DPMNE’s call.

The party’s call states that the citizens should oppose the “effort for fabricating the history by those that want to present the love for the country as something wrong.”

“Let’s show solidarity, respect, and sympathy for the brothers and sisters to whom the justice is denied and who are taken in detention or in prisons only because of their idea and love towards Macedonia,” said the call.

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