Today, the opposition, VMRO-DPMNE announced that they had submitted to Parliament a vote of no confidence against the Minister of Health, Arben Taravari, because, according to the party “he is the worst Minister of Health that the Macedonian people have ever seen.”
“Minister Taravari is paid by the citizens to solve their problems and to contribute to their better health. It’s better that Taravari spends more time at work than on vacation, especially with the money he receives. It would be better if he actually worked instead of surfing the internet, but it’s a pity that after two and a half months, there has been no result from his work. The case the citizens revealed, and according to the girl who was sent home without being diagnosed for appendicitis, Taravari argues on “Facebook”, demonstrating that arrogance and vanity are more important than the health of the people. In Macedonia, no more people should die because of the chaos which has been created by Taravari’s incompetence”, said VMRO-DPMNE.
They added that every MP should vote on the motion of no confidence against Taravari, regardless of Party orientation, because the citizens’ health is more important than anything.
Taravari is the 7th minister from Zoran Zaev’s government, to receive a motion of no confidence by the opposition coalition in the past ten days.