VMRO-DPMNE has vanished from the Internet after its debacle at the local elections


AFter the outcome from yesterday’s local elections, at which SDSM has won a decisive victory in more than 40 municipalities even in the first round, today there is a complete silence from VMRO-DPMNE, which was heavily defeated.

At its official internet page, VMRO-DPMNE has no announcements today.

Last nights speech of its party leader, Nikola Gruevski is absent.

There aren’t any new statements on Gruevski’s official Facebook profile.

VMRO-DPMNE isn’t answering even to our calls today.

The political party, which is now an opposition political party even on a local level, hasn’t issued any announcements to the media, not any of its representatives has come out with a statement and for now, there aren’t any indications for a press conference.

This situation is highly unusual for a first post-election day especially when it comes to the biggest opposition party, that until yesterday’s voting was very active and on a daily basis it was sending up to 10 statements, integral texts with statements of its members and invitations to occasions.

The last announcements, statements, press conferences, speeches, and columns are dated from Friday, last week before the start of the election silence for yesterday’s elections.

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