Economy VMRO-DPMNE cashed in 1,48 million euros from donations

VMRO-DPMNE cashed in 1,48 million euros from donations

VMRO-DPMNE in 2015 received donations worth 19.164.035 denars or 1,48 million euros from 3.675 donors, stated the report by the State Audit Office which was published today.

The largest opposition party, the SDSM, did not deliver the total value of their donations, but they listed the number of donors which was 473 and how much each of them donated individually.

DUI had 525,000 euros in revenue, of which 202,000 euros were from donations, 35,000 euros from membership fees, 255 euros revenue from interest and 288,000 euros revenue from the “ministry”.

DPA in their report stated that last year they received no donations.