The Ukrainians in North Macedonia protested, reminding of the atrocities committed in their home country


The Association of the Ukrainians in Macedonia “Lesya Ukrainka” organized on Sunday a peaceful protest in Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia, against the Russian aggression on Ukraine. The protest started at noon at children’s playground behind the Universal Hall and ended in front of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Skopje.

With posters and banners, the protesters expressed their concern about the situation in their homeland and requested that Russia stops its aggression and “take its hands off Ukraine.”

At the playground behind the Universal Hall, which was a 100% donation by the Russian Embassy in Skopje, on the boards with the names of Russian cities, photographs of the devastated Ukrainian cities in the Russian aggression were attached. Photographs with the names of the minors who were killed by the Russian aggressors were also attached.

“The Russian army killed 236 children in Ukraine” stated one of the banners that the children at the protest held.

фото: Мета.мк

In front of the Russian Embassy in Skopje, banners with printed slogans such as “Terorussia” and “If you support Putin = you are murdering children,” and “Ukraine under attack” were displayed.

The supporters of Ukraine reminded of the frightening numbers of killed Ukrainian civilians and the losses of the Russian aggressor.

The “Lesya Ukrainka” Association stressed that the protest is organized to remind of the crimes in Ukraine and the lost innocent lives, including the killed children.

The Russian military aggression on Ukraine started on the 24th of February and is going on for more than 3 months. So far, thousands of civilians were killed and over 4 million people sought refuge throughout Europe and around the world.

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