The trial in Ahmeti and Xhaferi’s lawsuit against Bogoevski postponed for January 27


Today’s hearing of the civil law suit between DUI leader Ali Ahmeti, Vice-President Musa Xhaferi against the former Director of the Administration of Security and Counterintelligence was postponed at the request of Slobodan Bogoevski’s lawyers.

The only one present at the hearing was the defendant Bogoevski, while plaintiffs Xhaferi and Ahmeti did not attend and were represented by their lawyers. The trial aroused great interest among the media, because of the narrow space in the court, journalists followed the hearing from outside the front door which was left open.

Bogoevski’s lawyers from outside the court stated that deadlines had not been respected, for submitting a written response by the defendant in connection with the allegations made in the lawsuit.

According to them, that deadline was a period of at least 15 days and a maximum of 30 days and as they had not yet passed, lawyers asked the court to determine an additional 15 days to be able to answer the complaint.

This was met with a heated reaction from Ahmeti and Xhaferi’s lawyers, who say Bogoevski duly received the complaint on October 7 and hired lawyers who have investigated the matter.

“The justification that they had not received an invitation from the court for a written response to the complaint is frivolous”, said Ahmeti’s lawyers.

The judge accepted the request of Bogoevski’s lawyers and the next hearing has been scheduled for January 11, next year.

Otherwise at the Basic Court Skopje 2 two cases are being tried in which Xhaferi and Ahmeti are sueing Bogoevski for presenting a testimony before the US authorities in the case “Magyar Telecom”.

Ahmeti is seeking 3 million denars from Bogoevski 3 million in damages, while Xhaferi is seeking 2.5 million denars.

After today’s hearing, Bogoevski said the goal of the entire process against him is so Xhaferi and Ahmeti can broker a judgment which would then be used in the proceedings pending before the judicial authorities in the US and our Macedonian prosecutor for organized crime.

Otherwise the lawsuit against Bogievski was filed in December last year.

He and his lawyers maintained that that trial was scheduled before elections as an attempt by prosecutors to benefit from the pre-election period and the current political situation.

When asked by reporters if there will be an epilogue of the procedure being conducted in the US case “Magyar Telecom” Bogoevski said it would be the beginning of May next year, adding that by then, he would not share any details about his testimony before the US authorities .

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