The political parties have lodged 16 complaints to SEC and SDSM and Besa have each lodged 8


16 complaints were lodged at the State Election commission that addresses the election process at the early parliamentary elections that were organized on the 11th of December including a complaint about the procedure o determining and counting the votes.

-SDSM and Besa have each lodged 8 complaints. Besa’s complaints refer to the municipalities of Arachinovo, Tetovo, Gazi Baba and Lipkovo, and SDSM’s complaints are being archived at the moment since its legal team has lodged them at 19h. After the complaints are going to be archived we shall know which are the municipalities they have filed complaints about – as was announced for “Meta” Arietta Dzemaili SEC’s spokesperson

-The deadline for lodging complaints about the voting procedure has expired today at 19h. SEC has a time limit of 48 hours to decide about the lodged complaints i.e. the Commission has to decide by Thursday at 19h.

The deadline for lodging complaints about the procedure for counting and determining the results in accordance with the law is expiring today on midnight.

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