On the 30th of June the trial census in the state will be completed. The State Statistical Office started conducting tihe trail census in 13 municipalities on the 1th of June this year although the Law for census of population is not yet adopted in Parliament.
The main reason for postponing the parliamentary debate and adopting this Law are the disagreements between the government and the opposition.
In the wake of the census which after 18 years is to be conducted in 2020, it is interesting to see what the percentage of the State Statistics Office is on the size of the population and the demographic trends in the country in general.
According to the estimation (of 31.12.2018), in our country there are 2.077.132 citizens, which is 11.363 persons or 0,6 percent more in comparison to 2013 and 28.513 persons or 1,4 percent more in comparison to 2008.
“In the period from 2008 to 2018, a continuous growth of residents in North Macedonia that are foreigners is noticed. Regarding the age structure, Macedonian population is becoming older. In the period from 2008 to 2018, the participation of the young population (0-14 years), in total, decreased from 18.1 percent to 16.4 percent, and the share of the old population (65 years or more) increased from 11.5 percent to 14.1 percent”, say from the State Statistical Office.
In the period from 2008 to 2018 the number of new-born decreased by 7 percent, and the fertility rate by 0.9 percent (new-born per 1,000 inhabitants).
“The changes in the age structure of the population have their reflection on the number of deceased persons in the country. The number of deceased persons contributed to an increase of the mortality rate, which in 2018 equaled 9,5 percent (deaths per 1,000 population). In the period from 2008 to 2018, there is a decrease of the number of marriages by 8,2 percent and an increase of the divorces by 34 percent”, say from the State Statistics Office.