The lustration has to be abolished immediately appeal civic organizations

Before the Parliament dissolves, a law to be adopted for abolishing and annulling the legal consequences of the lustration, appealed the Blueprint group for reforms in the judiciary. With the draft law that was adopted by the Government on the 24th of December, the legal consequences of the lustration have been annulled and a compensation for the lustrated is planned. But the draft law has been stuck within procedures and its adoption is opposed by the opposition party VMRO-DPMNE and its former coalition partner DUI.

The Blueprint Group is an informal network consisting of the “All for a fair trial” coalition, the Open Society Foundation – Macedonia, the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, the Macedonian Association of Young Attorneys, the Institute for Human Rights, The Association of Citizens- Institute of European Policy and the Center of Legal Investigation and Analysis.

The NGOs stress that the legal consequences of the lustration are still active i.e. the persons that were indicated as collaborators of the security services cannot perform public duties as was the goal of the Law on lustration with which the lustration started in 2008.

This group claims that the lustration in Macedonia was implemented as an inquisition and it didn’t achieve its basic goal – to determine whether any person that was proclaimed as a collaborator of the security agencies has violated anybody’s human rights in any way. The organizations stress that this hasn’t been determined in any country where the lustration has been carried out. The process in Macedonia was misused for political revanchism and an evidence of this are the numerous decisions by the Committee for verification of facts that were abolished by the Administrative Court including two verdicts at the European Court for Human Rights.