The Italian Prime Minister, Paolo Gentiloni, has congratulated the new Prime Minister, Zoran Zaev regarding the formation of the new government, announced today the Italian embassy in Skopje.
Gentiloni also has invited Zaev to visit the summit in Trieste which is organized as part of the Western Balkans process.
@agenzia_nova @Agenzia_Ansa @MIA_NEWS_en @meta_mk_en
— Italy Embassy Skopje (@ItalyinMKD) June 2, 2017
Even the chief of the Italian diplomacy, Angelino Alfano, has congratulated his new colleague, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov. In his message, he states that Italy will continue to support the Euro-Atlantic aspirations of Macedonia.
Message of congratulations of MFA @angealfa to new MFA @Dimitrov_Nikola. Italy will continue to support Macedonian euro-atlantic aspirations
— Carlo Romeo (@carloromeo70) June 2, 2017