It’s a rare occurrence within road infrastructure projects that the new highway between Shtip and Radovish is being built faster than it was planned to. So far, around 40% of the construction works of the planned 23 km road has been finished i.e. between the village Sofilari and the Buchim mine. This part of the expressway will be finished during 2020 i.e. almost a year earlier than it was initially planned.
At the moment, the Austrian company Strabag is conducting various construction operations, channels, bridges and other segments along the new highway. The company isn’t facing any major obstacles except for certain omissions in the project’s documentation – stated for Meta news agency the Public enterprise for state roads. The building of the expressway Shtip – Radovish began less than a year ago with an initial deadline of 3 years.
In the meantime, the Public Enterprise finished the procedure for the selection of a contractor for the second phase of the accomplishment of the expressway Shtip – Radovish. In the next few weeks, the name of the contractor who will be conducting the works of the additional 16, 87 km will be published. The deadline for finishing the second phase is 2 years which means that the expressway Shtip – Radovish will be completely finished in 2021.
The new expressway will be driven with a maximum speed of 110 km/h. For the first time in Macedonia, the contractor will be obliged to maintain the new road in a period of 5 years after it is finished. The corner-stone for stone for starting the work on the expressway Shtip – Radovish was set at the start of June 2018.