With the end of the state of emergency, several government orders that prevented the price rise of basic food products, southern fruits, and protective equipment will expire. These were adopted to prevent manipulations in the trade when the coronavirus occurred.
The Ministry of Economy informs the retail traders and wholesale traders that with the end of the state of emergency the obligation for the ceiling trade margin for oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, and lemons by traders that participate in the trading chain in the wholesale to be 10 percent at most in the wholesale and up to 15 percent in retail sales.
Also, the order to freeze the top prices at their 11th of March 2020 level for both retail and wholesale trading will expire for bread, salt, sugar, milk, and dairy products, eggs, flour, meat, medications, personal protective gear, personal hygiene products, and disinfection products and medical material and equipment, will also expire.
The order for limiting the export of wheat and issuing permits by the Ministry of Economy for exporting flour also expires.
Otherwise, President Stevo Pendarovski has declared a state of emergency on the 15th of June 2020, upon the proposal of the Government, for a period of eight days, which means if there is no new extension, the traders will be able to remove the price caps starting from next week.