Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, but also North Macedonia, will have to issue new permits for international transportation of hazardous materials to get the chemical deposits in the former OHIS industrial complex exported to Switzerland for incineration. The previous permit for the project “Removal, dislocation, disposal or neutralization of chemical mater” from OHIS Skopje plant expired due to the coronavirus pandemic and the border closure around Europe.
On the 15th of March, the last shipment to Switzerland, consisting of around ten tones of toxic chemicals should have been signed off. The load consists of 4.6 tons of initiators and 5.2 tons of unknown chemicals, which were packed in special ADR barrels and are now kept in OHIS’ warehouses awaiting the transportation. Before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ekocentar 97 Company, which was hired to export 11 different chemicals for safe disposal, has exported around 64 tons of dangerous chemicals. The chemicals consisted of methanol, polyacrylonitrile, but also unknown chemicals, and they were destroyed in the “Valorec Services” incinerator in Basel. In April last year, 81 barrels and a container under pressure chlorine were destroyed. They were sent to a specialized company in Serbia where the damaged valves were salvaged and the chlorine was taken out by a process called degassification and will be treated accordingly. The barrels were cleaned from the chlorine and returned to the OHIS industrial complex. Yet, there are the remaining14 tons of dangerous vinyl chloride monomer which will be disposed off in an incinerator in Germany.
At the moment, Ekocentar 97 company is preparing the new documentation in order to renew the permit. The required documentation is huge and it will have to be submitted to each of the countries whose territory the load should transit.