The Constitutional Court on Wednesday (March 16th) has to decide whether the President will have the right to pardon people for election fraud or whether they will leave the current Law on Amnesty as it is.
On the agenda for the next session of the Constitutional Court, published on the Court’s website between other topics, the agenda listed and the “Proposal for decision-making, the draft decision on the matter / 2016 ‘, i.e the initiative for assessing the constitutionality of the amendments to the Amnesty Law in 2009, which among other things prohibits amnesty for electoral fraud, pedophilia and crimes against humanity.
As we have discovered, the Constitutional Court yesterday asked the Parliament for their opinion on the initiative, and they got an express answer to their request, and the President of the Constitutional Court even faster, placed this item on the agenda for the next session.
The initiative for amnesty to people involved in electoral fraud comes a young lawyer from Ohrid, Risto Kiteski who works in at a law firm as a defense attorney of suspects in Operation “Titanic.”
The decision to accept the consideration of the initiative was handled by the judges. When they voted, five were “for” while the remaining four voted “against”.
When the Constitutional Court accepted the review of the initiative, it caused a public outcry, among experts, civil protests were organised in front of the court building, even diplomats in the country reacted.
Today Justice Minister Adnan Jashari said that the current Law on Amnesty is good and there is no need to change it.
“I have the same opinion as I did in 2009, when I voted for the law in Parliament as a MP, and I still believe that the law is good and I hope it will not be changed”, said Jashari