The Civil Society Campaign “Step Forward! The Choice is Yours”

The civil initiative “Step Forward” has begun its informative campaign by publishing the first edition of the “EUreka” newspaper, which in the forthcoming weeks will try to offer Macedonian citizens information about the gains and challenges from the memberships in NATO and the European Union.

Under the motto of “Step Forward! The Choice is Yours” the civil organizations are united in the effort to bring closer the European Union and its policies, and to answer the numerous issues related to what Macedonia has to do on its journey towards EU and NATO and what it will gain from its Euro-Atlantic integration.

The campaign will be organized all over the country through TV commercials, animations, photo facts, TV and radio networks, social media, and billboards will be used as well. Simultaneously, an array of media and public debates will be organized including direct debates with the citizens, book promotions and other events.

Also, two issues of “EUreka” are planned – today’s and the second which will be published after the 22nd of September. The newspaper has a Macedonian and Albanian version and it will be printed in 55.000 copies. The electronic version of “EUreka” including all of the relevant information and materials related to the campaign will be available at the webpage.

This civic initiative is organized by: Open Society Foundation- Macedonia, the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Macedonia, “Eurothink” – the Center for European Strategies, HBO Infocenter, The Youth Educational Forum (MOF), Civil – Freedom center, ECE- Association for emancipation, solidarity and equality of women, Rural coalition, The Association for health education and research – HERA and the Center for Contemporary Arts.