The State Anti-Corruption Committee demands a precise definition and description in which cases the new employments in the public sector during the election can be advertised including the appointment of new officials. The Committee indicates that the mass job advertisements especially in January leave space for suspicion that the voters are being influenced.
The Election Code and the Law on Corruption Prevention and Conflictс of Interest plan a ban on employments and lay offs in the public sector starting from the day when the elections has been called for and up until the end of the elections, while all of the started procedures are put to rest. An exception to this are “urgent and pressing matters.”
“Since the cases dubbed as “urgent and pressing” haven’t been defined clearly, neither with these laws, nor with material laws that determine the employments in certain sectors, the previous experience has shown that this is often misused and instead this exception has become a rule. In both laws there aren’t any articles that determine the issue of appointing persons in the organs for managing in the public sector (directors, members of supervising and managing boards). These issues during the election process is necessary to be regulated through changes and additions in the Election Code and the Law on Corruption and Conflicts of Interest Prevention” said the Anti Corruption Committee.
During past Friday, the Committee has summoned the institutions to obey the maxims for good managing and integrity.
The employments in the public sector, especially during the pre-election period, are treated as essential problems in the new Strategy for prevention of Corruption which is now in the parliamentary procedure.
With the action plan, the Committee proposes that the Ministry of Justice should define more precisely the exceptions during which the new employments will be allowed during the pre-election period and to pass legal changes.