There is no political climate for fair and democratic elections said the DPA leader Menduh Thaci after meeting with EU Ambassador Aivo Orav. He said his pessimism is based on the SEC’s confusion concerning the voters’ list and the lack of will among political leaders to ease the mutual rhetoric. Thachi announced that the DPA will have to further evaluate the situation before deciding whether to participate in elections, if they take place on June 5, and the decision will depend on the whole political atmosphere, not to mention the results from the electoral roll.
The DPA leader doubts that the SEC as an institution can lead there department and its processes.
“I do not understand what’s going on there. It has nothing to do with the right way or the seriousness to reach fair and honest elections”, said Thaci.
When asked whether it is possible, depending on the results of the purification of the voters’ list, that the DPA would not participate in elections, Thachi pointed out that for Albanians in Macedonia the problem is that someone is filling the ballot boxes with a shovel.