“As Mayor of Bitola, I work sincerely and I am dedicated and responsible for the welfare of its citizens. Since I personally have never committed a crime, I do not feel guilty, and I do not want to be connected with the real criminals in Macedonia. I do not want there to be doubt or speculation regarding my legal work so therefore I request that you withdraw my name from the pardons granted ”,said the of Mayor of Bitola to President Gjorge Ivanov.
Mr Taleski says he is ready to prove the truth of his “honest work, convinced that the relevant institutions will be interested in the facts and evidence, and will not be prejudice because of unsubstantiated allegations.”
“At one point, there was a sequel of unnatural circumstances, among the people who received criminal charges for being unlawful and unconstitutional from the Special Prosecution Office (SPO), I found my name among them, not but my wrong doing. Namely, in the illegal phone calls, one of the questioners at a time, under strong emotion, mentions me and slanders my name for some sort of crime and corruption, which is simply not true. But it does prove why the SPO want to make an unprecedented political campaign against me and my associates. The accusations and the whole procedure the SPO have, they only have political backgrounds”, said Taleski.
Taleski was on the list of those pardoned by President Gjorge Ivanov.
The SPO, on April 14 opened investigative proceedings named “Transporter” where the accused are suspects for abusing the transportation service for students in Biltola, and in this investigation, 22 people are involved, including Mayor Taleski.