Tags Uniform

Tag: uniform

A manipulation with altered photograph to show Nazy symbol on the Ukrainian uniform

Photo: Screenshot of the FB post The photograph in the fact-checked post, showing two people with Nazi symbols on their uniforms, is altered. Foreign fact-checkers have determined that the Ukrainian flag emblem was added to the uniform of the man on the left. The eagle on the sleeve of the man on the right was copied from the uniform of...

The Defense budget of North Macedonia for 2023 is 24% bigger than in 2022

North Macedonia’s defense budget for 2023 amounts to €274 million, which is an increase of 24,45 percent compared to the current budget i.e., the State will allocate 1,85 percent of its GDP for defense purposes, announced by prime minister Dimitar Kovachevski and defense minister Slavjanka Petrovska last week. Petrovska stated that last year we have shown that we respect all...

Army personnel in North Macedonia will have to choose – uniform or politics!

Army or civilian personnel in the Army of the Republic of North Macedonia will not be allowed to manage, represent or act on behalf of a political party or to be members of any party bodies. With their party membership they mustn't bring into question their professionalism, impartiality and the lawfullness while conducting their duties in the Army or...