Tags Toxic chemicals

Tag: toxic chemicals

Cleanup of lindane landfill at OHIS in Skopje postponed – white dust detected in soil had to be analyzed

White dust in the soil was the reason for the delay on the cleanup of the small lindane landfill at OHIS, the former chemical industry complex in Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia. The Greek company Polyeco has already started the preparations for setting the tent above the small landfill that was scheduled for cleanup. The tent is with size...

The vinyl chloride deposited in OHIS still awaits the repackaging into secure barrels

Around 14 tons of vinyl chloride deposited in the former OHIS chemical industrial complex in Skopje, North Macedonia, still await the experts from the French company Kurium to arrive, repackage it in new safe barrels and transport it for proper disposal. The Ekocentar 97 company, which was selected to clean the 11 types of chemicals which are still deposited...