Tags Спутник
Tag: Спутник
A disinformation round “Sofia-Belgrade-Skopje” with a typical Russian flair
The flow of Russian disinformation has become familiar – it starts in Russia, travels to Serbia, and from there, it spreads throughout the entire Western Balkans. In the following case, however, disinformation’s source is in Bulgaria. The avalanche of disinformation started with an episode of the Bulgarian show “Don’t Be Afraid with Vasil Vasilev” and then spread to Serbian...
Truthmeter.mk: Narratives which Russia uses to influence news media in Western Balkans
A research titled "Russia’s narratives toward the Western Balkans", published by the NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence (NATO StratCom COE) identified several Russian narratives in the news media in the Western Balkans. The research is based on the media reporting in 2018, which cited the Serbian edition of the Russian state news agency "Sputnik". The Sputnik website, which...
How Russia influences Serbian media
An opinion poll conducted by the Institute for European Affairs in September 2019 shows that 23 percent of Serbian citizens believe Russia is Serbia's largest aid donor. In reality, Russia hasn't made the top 10 of Serbia's largest donors since 2000, according to the data by the Ministry of European Integration. The EU tops the list with 2.96 billion euros in aid, followed...
Samo je srpski “Sputnik” video albanski rat u Makedoniji
Izdanje na srpskom jeziku novinske agencije “Sputnik” (koja je u vlasništvu ruske države) nedavno (06.02.2020.) je izašao sa spektakularnim naslovom ”Albanski rat u pozadini kampanje u Makedoniji“.
Ovakvo tvrđenje, iskazano u naslovnoj konstrukciji, ali i u sadržajnom delu teksta, gde se navodi da se između partija Albanaca u Makedoniji vodi “pravi mali rat”, nema nikakve dodirne tačke sa realnošću, piše ”Vistinomer.mk“.
Nasuprot tome što...
Novinarka “Sputnika Srbija” dezinformiše o makedonskom identitetu i Prespanskom sporazumu
Srpska ispostava ruske multimedijske novinske agencije “Sputnik.rs” nedavno je objavila intervju sa dvojicom srpskih istoričara na temu krađe istorije na Balkanu, sa akcentom na Makedoniju, Crnu Goru i Kosovo, pri čemu je novinarka još na startu dezinformisala javnost sa dve netačne činjenice.
Razgovor je objavljen i kratko prepričan i na veb stranici “Sputnika”, pod naslovom “Makedonci i Crnogorci preživljavaju ‘zakasneli...