Tags Специјално јавно обвинителство
Tag: Специјално јавно обвинителство
Investigators from the SPO are checking whether Taleski is signing work documents while under house arrest
Three investigators from the Special Prosecutor's Office this morning arrived in the Municipality of Bitola, to inspect the implementation of Mayor Vladimir Taleski’s house arrest, we have learned.
The Special Prosecutor's Office confirmed for "Meta" that their investigators are in fact in the Municipality of Bitola.
They say that they are there to see if there are any flaws in the...
Zaev: SDSM are ready for elections, and I am ready to be the future Prime Minister
The Social Democratic Union of Macedonia are ready for elections, said the leader of the opposition party, Zoran Zaev in an interview with "Radio Free Europe" and added that if the people decide to give him their support, he would "certainly grab the honour" to be next Prime Minister of the country.
He says that about 65 percent of the...
The court wants to hear the “Bomb” if they are to determine pre-trial custody for Grujovski and Jankuloska
The Judge from the preliminary hearing rejected the requests from the Special Public Prosecution for pre-trial detention for Goran Grujovski, and other precautionary measures for four of the other suspects in the "Fortress" case, including former Interior Minister, Gordana Januloska.
The Judge, Aleksandra Pop-Stefanova acting upon the requests from the SPO, based her decision, as can been seen by her...
SPO: We have a statement from Krpač that he had received threats
The Special Public Prosecution (SPO) have a statement from Kosta Krpač where he informs the SPO about threats he had received, said Lenche Ristovska, spokesperson and prosecutor for the SPO at today’s press conference.
She added that the evidence is in their possession and that they will submit all the relevant information they have to the Public Prosecutor’s Office Skopje...
Ivanov: Amnesty and abolition for all politicians under investigation
The President, Gjorge Ivanov, today came to the decision to pardon and grant amnesty to all politicians who are undergoing judicial proceedings.
Ivanov said this afternoon, in an address to the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia.
It is yet to be seen how Ivanov's decision will affect preliminary proceedings and all investigative procedures opened by Special Public Prosecution against current...
Video-clips of Boskoski’s arrest have disappeared from the internet
Video and text articles from reports of the arrest of Ljube Boskoski on June 6, 2011, have mysteriously disappeared from the websites of the TV stations that at the time, had reported on the sensational story of the events outside restaurant "Vodenica".
Yesterday, Katica Janeva's team of prosecutors announced that they have opened an official investigation dubbed "Tortura" and have filed charges against...
Ljube Boskoski spent five hours testifying at the SPP on the “Campaign” case
The former Interior Minister Ljube Boskoski, who was convicted in the “Campaign” case, spent five hours being questioned at the Special Public Prosecutor's Office.
Boskoski, left the building in which the premises of the SPP are located with a police escort at 17:45, where he was greeted briefly by several of his supporters who were waiting outside the building.
Boskoski's lawyer Konstantin...
Koenders: Przhino Agreement needs to be fully implemented and the SPP needs everyone’s support
Europe supports the Przhino Agreement and it must be fully implemented, said Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders in Skopje after meeting with Foreign Minister Nikola Poposki.
“You know better than I do how important it is to have fair and credible elections, a cleansed electoral list and equal access to the media. Macedonia has a long tradition and history, and you...
SPP: The Court decisions have been appealed – The investigation continues!
The Special Public Prosecutor's office late last night through its official Facebook page announced that they had appealed the decision of the court, who yesterday decided not to take into to custody the eight suspects in Operation “Titanic”.
“The decisions of the Criminal Court in Skopje have been appealed. The investigation continues, "- said the SPP on their official Facebook page.
Gruevski: The Court should not succumb to any pressure
The VMRO-DPMNE leader Nikola Gruevski called on the judicial authorities to resist any pressures and carry on regardless, working in complete accordance with the law.
"VMRO-DPMNE encourages the judicial authorities not to succumb to any pressures, and to work exclusively in accordance with the law to the letter, and not allow themselves to be drawn into a political campaign" said...
Court denies Janeva’s demand for detention of ‘Titanic’ suspects: What Next?
With the Court rejecting the requests from Katica Janeva and her team to take into custody the suspects in Operation "Titanic", time is of the essence and there is a short statutory time limits (24 or 48 hours) for all sides - SPP, suspects and the court.
Janeva has 24 hours from the adjudication of the preliminary procedure to appeal...
The Court confirms – No detainment for several suspects in Operation “Titanic”
The Basic Court in Skopje has rejected the Special Prosecutor's request for 8 suspects to be taken into custody, the request is linked to electoral irregularities in the ongoing operation 'Titanic'. The Court came to the decision to reject the SPP's request for the detention of Edmond Temelko, Mile Janakieski and two other suspects arising from Operation Titanic, the...
Two new criminal charges have been brought against two prosecutors from aneva’s team
Two new criminal charges have been brought against two prosecutors from the Special Public Prosecutor Katica Janeva's team. Declarations, as informed by the Prosecution to "Meta" has been submitted by different individuals, and refer to the same crime - 'abuse of service.'
This weekend, the Public Prosecutor's Office confirmed it had filed criminal charges against three Prosecutors from the Special...
Special Public Prosecution declares law suits for slander and insult
The Special Public Prosecutor (SPP) in a statement to the public expressed concern about the way certain media have been reporting, connected with their work and that of the Special Public Prosecutor Katica Janeva.
Despite the denial by certain media the SPP announced the initiation of civil proceedings for defamation and insult, as well as criminal proceedings for 'false reporting of...
MPs passed the Law on Janeva’s Public Prosecutor Office
With 75 votes "for" MPs of Parliament this afternoon adopted the Law on Amending and Supplementing the Law on the Public Prosecution service, which the Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva had requested.
The amendments were discussed in an urgent procedure. Two hours were spent two hours in the plenary dispute, and after that a second reading in Parliament.
With these amendments to...
Prosecutors sent Ms Janeva all the statistics and data on the “Bombs”
The Public Prosecutor said this afternoon that the Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva has submitted a very detailed statistical review as well as data from the open cases arising from the content of the intercepted calls, which Ms Janeva had requested last week.
In the statement the Prosecution had details of the number of cases, the person against whom action was...
Todor Petrov requires assessment of the constitutionality of the Special Prosecution
The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Macedonia confirmed that they have reached a new initiative to assess the constitutionality of the Special Prosecutor who submitted it to the President of the World Macedonian Congress, Todor Petrov, reported "Alsat M".
Therefore, the Constitutional Court now has two requests which could take Katica Janeva down, and hew work with her.
Such an...
Howitt for “Meta”: Macedonia did not fall over, but it is still standing on the edge
In the past three years, since the 24th of December, 2012, it seems that Macedonia is in a constant political crisis. After the agreement of 15 July, you said that the country managed to pull itself from the brink. What is your point of view about the current situation, bearing in mind that the political leaders breached all the...
Kambovski: A strong expert body to review the laws on Judiciary
The formation of highly expert body in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice and the courts, will review the various laws relating to the Judiciary proposed the President of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MASA), Vlado Kambovski at today's scientific and professional debate dedicated to a independent Judiciary.
Mr Kambovski pointed out that the issue of Judicial independence...
MPs will vote today on Janeva’s budget
MPs at today's Parliamentary session will have to approve the budget for the Special Public Prosecutor, Katica Janeva, so she can actually begin to work.
The Funds amount to 63,420,428 denars, or approximately one million euros for the last quarter of 2015, as indicated in the decision, are designed for continuous operations and autonomous operations of the Public Prosecution for...