Tags Soil pollution

Tag: soil pollution

Organic food production in North Macedonia is underdeveloped, young people should be educated on healthy food

Organic food production in North Macedonia is constantly decreasing, although the demand for organic products is growing from year to year. According to the data of the State Statistical Office, in the last decade, the areas dedicated for organic production have been steadily decreasing. Not once have they surpassed one percent of the overall agricultural area in the country,...

Cleanup of lindane landfill at OHIS in Skopje postponed – white dust detected in soil had to be analyzed

White dust in the soil was the reason for the delay on the cleanup of the small lindane landfill at OHIS, the former chemical industry complex in Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia. The Greek company Polyeco has already started the preparations for setting the tent above the small landfill that was scheduled for cleanup. The tent is with size...