Tags Skopje branch

Tag: Skopje branch

On Saturday the Tetovo branch of Besa will elect a leader, Skopje yesterday chose Gashi

The branch of the current President of the Besa Movement, Bilal Kasami, announced that the party will hold its first party congress on February the 24th. However, yesterday, the Skopje branch held a congress and Afrim Gashi was elected president. Abdus Demiri, announcing the congress at today's press conference at Skopje's headquarters, said they would not comment on "other parties and groups"...

Kasami entered Besa headquarters after he was refused entry by private security

Bilal Kasami, accompanied by his supporters today, managed to enter the headquarters of the Besa party in Skopje, located in the Mavrovka shopping center. Yesterday, Kasami filed criminal charges at a police station because for three hours he was not allowed to enter the premises where private security had been hired by the Skopje branch of the Besa Movement. Earlier, the...