VMRO-DPMNE: “Bomb” of SDSM in Veles exploded 20 years ago
"The bomb of SDSM in Veles, unfortunately, exploded twenty years ago when lousy policies of SDSM closed almost all factories and enterprises, and over 10 thousand Veles citizens were left without work," reads the reaction of VMRO-DPMNE to today's press conference of SDSM, on which president of Veles branch of the party Panche Ivanov announced recordings for three scandals...
SDSM: 83 percent of Centar residents to come out and vote for salvation of GTC
The citizens of the Municipality of Centar in myriad want to keep the authentic look of the City Trade Center (GTC), and, according to the latest poll, 83 percent of people said they would vote on the referendum on Sunday and will vote to keep the look of GTC, said today president of the municipal organization of SDSM in...
SDSM with 12 “bombs” around the country, the first in Ohrid and Shtip
SDSM will focus the presentation of wiretapped conversations in cities around Macedonia. According to sources of META, on Thursday, the twentieth "bomb" will explode in Ohrid, where there will be a march, and on Saturday in Shtip.
- Local leaders of SDSM in these Ohrid and Shtip will be able to select what they will present to the public from...
SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE: They only agreed to continue negotiating
Representatives of VMRO DPMNE and SDSM in Brussels today had a meeting with MEPs Ivo Vajgl, Richard Howitt and Edward Kukan.
After the meeting was issued a statement which only reads that all participants agreed that discussions should continue.
In addition, no information regarding the content of the talks leaked.
Representatives of SDSM met MEPs an hour early, then the meeting of...
SDSM to Gruevski: Leave “little man”! You have no choice!
"Nikola Gruevski has appeared on the scene of the crime, in Shtip, but didn’t muster the courage to speak for the highway Miladinovci - Shtip, nor highway Kichevo - Ohrid, through which he “drove” citizens for a whopping 25 million euros", reads the written response of SDSM for today's national gathering of VMRO-DPMNE in Shtip and the speech of...
VMRO-DPMNE: SDSM can spread manipulations, we continue building roads
"Today's allegations of Zaev and SDSM are extremely biased, untrue and completely manipulative. With this behavior, Zaev not only treads image of the country, but is also trying to draw public company of the People's Republic of China, as well as other institutions that participate in these projects, in bad scenarios," reads a statement of VMRO-DPMNE to today’s press...
SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE in Brussels stand behind their positions
Today in the European Parliament (EP), where she participated on a seminar on political dialogue in the Balkan parliaments, Radmila Shekerinska stated that it is "difficult to talk about the political culture even in Brussels when we know that there is no response to our violent removal from the Assembly. What kind of culture are we talking about if...
VMRO-DPMNE: Constructions and creations won’t save Zaev from himself
"Zoran Zaev is burdened with the investigation proceedings against him for criminal and illegal conduct, so he continues to work in favor of foreign interests and hopes that someone else will save him from this mess in which he entered with illegal actions," reads the reaction of VMRO-DPMNE to today’s press conference of the leader of the opposition, on...
SDSM Central Board allowed Zaev to publish the “bombs”
Through action "Truth about Macedonia", as of Monday, SDSM will start publishing materials for criminal conduct of the Government.
Members of SDSM Central Board authorized the party leadership to begin releasing the evidence.
"In the unanimously adopted conclusions, it was established that the truth about the situation in the Republic of Macedonia must come to light, and under the Constitution and...
Shilegov: Gruevski’s Government gave the business of the tenants to Janakieski tete-a-tete?!
Official documents published on the website of the European Union revealed that the Gruevski’s Government gave the business of the German company “Ludwig Pfeiffer”, which is a tenant in the house of Minister Mile Janakieski, through a direct agreement, popularly called tete-a-tete, blames Peter Shilegov, spokesman of SDSM.
- As stated in the documents, four interested companies registered on the...