Tags Screening
Tag: Screening
Elections or not, screening will continue but for EU negotiations, changes to Constitution must be made
Macedonia has begun screening for the EU accession process which will end in June 2019, however, if the Prespa Accord there will be no membership negotiations, explains Bojan Maricic, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Chief Technical Negotiator in the European Integration Process.
Screening, or determining the alignment of Macedonian legislation with EU law, is a technical process...
Government’s Plan 18 to be transformed into Screening Plan
The Government's plan 18, which was announced to the public at the end of May, when Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Bujar Osmani presented to EU Ambassador Samuel Zbogar and representatives of the EU Delegation to Macedonia, is to succeed Plan 3-6-9 and is now under review.
Mile Bosnjakovski explained to Meta that following the decision of the EU...