Tue, 11 February, 2025
Tags Negotiations

Tag: negotiations

Shilegov: After the media, we will open discussions about the courts

Once the negotiations of the working groups are complete and have addressed the problems in the media, political parties will begin discussions on the courts, said Peter Shilegov, when asked by a journalist at a press conference in front of the Government building. “Selecting the Presidents of the courts today were just talk about the hypocrisy of VMRO-DPMNE at the...

Popovski: We are correcting the laws the AJM made with the Government

These are the negotiations of political parties included in the Przhino Agreement, because I see no sense in it to include non-government organizations and media associations, said Robert Popovski, a member of the working group of SDSM in talks regarding the media sphere. According to him, the journalists' associations should lobby political parties to advocate their interests, however, the political...

Journalists whistled with discontent at negotiators

Some journalists protested today in front of the MPs Clubhouse so they could be involved in the negotiations with the working groups who are all signatory to the Przhino Agreement. The AJM, SSNM and MIM called for action, and fifty journalists for half an hour blocked the entrance of the MPs Clubhouse and expressed outrage by loud whistles at members...

Finishing off the negotiations and the last details of disputed issues

The meeting of the working groups of the parties signatory to the Przhino Agreement to resolve disputes has begun. Although it was expected that the solution was near, sources from the working groups tells 'Meta' that there is still no full agreement on the Law on Government and the Law on Privacy (wire tapped materials). However, optimistic prognosis say, no later...

A new uncertain week ahead of negotiating

Another uncertain week of negotiating awaits Macedonia from tomorrow. Even though the whole process of negotiations, the most important things in Przino, were meant to be agreed by now, but the political parties have yet to reach an agreement. The only matter agreed on, is the selection of the Special Public Prosecutor, Katica Janeva, and her budget until the end...

No negotiations this weekend, Vanhoutte in Brussels for further consulations

With no actual movement or progress completed yesterday and despite the individual efforts of the Belgian facilitator Peter Vanhoutte to move closer to coming to an agreement with the parties signatory to the Przhino Agreement over the credentials of the oppositions ministers, reported "24 News". There will be no negotiations this weekend, as Mr Vanhoutte is in Brussels for further...

Party leaders have agreed to continue negotiations

After two and a half hours of negotiations, the leaders of VMRO-DPMNE, SDSM, DUI, and DPA Nikola Gruevski, Zoran Zaev, Ali Ahmeti and Menduh Thaci agreed that talks on the Przhino Agreement will resume tomorrow with bilateral meetings. Belgian facilitator Peter Vanhoutte said he expects negotiations next week to intensify. “We agreed to continue negotiations, we expect them to intensify and to...

What is obstructing the negotiations of the working groups?

It has been almost five months since the signing of the Przhino Agreement on the 2nd of June and a month less since the Protocol was signed on July the 15th, also in Przhino. When meetings started and the working groups began, negotiations had some success; choosing a Special Public Prosecutor, a law was brought in on Special Prosecution, however...

Daniel Baer: The failure of the implementation of the Przhino Agreement leads to questions over early elections

The failure of the implementation of the necessary reforms puts the spotlight on the question of holding early parliamentary elections which are scheduled for April next year said the  the U.S Ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation (OSCE) in Vienna, Daniel Baer, in his address to the Council. He stresses that the US is concerned that the political...

If there is no deal this weekend, Przhino is over!

This weekend it will be known exactly in which direction the country will be moving in if negotiations are successful, learns "Meta" from diplomatic sources. “Negotiations always should be given a few more chances. These days just bilateral meetings will be held and the working group will meet only if it is to reach a certain agreement”, our sources tell...

Amnesty and pardons were the topic of discussion at the leaders’ meeting

The leaders' meetings and negotiations that are taking place in the Club of MP's in Przhino, tackled certain topics such as amnesty and pardons in the eyes of the law. Yesterday, opposition leader Zoran Zaev, said that this was discussed until July the 15th. “The topic of amnesty and legal pardons were on the agenda in these negotiations until July the...

Van Houte pushed for Katica, and beat all the limousines with his bicycle

Peter van Houte, the Belgian facilitator who mediated between the working groups of political parties VMRO-DPMNE, SDSM, DUI and DPA successfully agreed upon the name and law of the Special Public Prosecutor.Though seemingly humble and gentle he has repeatedly proved that it is no coincidence, that he carries a certain 'weight', political and any other. Taking into account unofficial information...

Gruevski: I am not afraid of Katica Janeva

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski is not afraid of the Special Prosecutor. He said during a visit to the Clinical Centre and added there is nothing to be afraid of, reported "MKD.MK"."Of course I am not afraid, there is nothing to be afraid of", Gruevski responded to a reporter's question. When asked whose proposal it was to select Katica Janeva the...

SDSM taken by surprise by the Prime Ministers statement regarding the Special Prosecutor

The opposition SDSM were surprised by the Prime Minister's  statement yesterday regarding the appointing of a Special Prosecutor. They said that VMRO-DPMNE until now had insisted to choose just a special prosecutor, and maintained that the he wouldn't need associates, nor would he need organs or bodies to make sure his office would run independently. The Prime Minister's statement came...

Hahn: Negotiations are showing progress

In an interview for the Austrian newspaper Standard, the European Commissioner Johanes Hahn said the opposition must return to Parliament, as was previously agreed. -After that the special public prosecutor will be named. Regarding that, both sides show good progress. We, the EU and the international community, are going to invest effort for fair elections in April, in accordance with...

Van Haute: The negotiations are moving slowly but I am optimistic

The representatives of the parties that signed the Przhino Agreement ended their talks today about the electoral list. The Belgian facilitator Peter van Haute said after the meeting that the Action groups will continue to work in the coming few months, reports Telma. -Of course there is progress. At this point we are discussing the election law and the election...

DS, DOM, APM and PDP request they are admitted as Action groups to the Przhino Agreemet talks

The Democratic Alliance, the Party for the Democratic Renewal of Macedonia, the Alliance for Positive Macedonia and the Party for Democratic Prosperity had sent an official letter to the ambassadors of the European Union, the United States, OSCE and to the Beldian facilitator in the talks, Peter van Houte, in which they demand that the smaller parties along with...

Blood, hypocrisy, insults and pessimism: Where is the spirit of Przhino?

The brutal and undiplomatic attitude in the talks and negotiations between the Government and the opposition, which began in the residence of the EU in Przhino, is far from over. Political leaders then had agreed to leave behind their parties’ interests and to start thinking about the good of the people and country. However, they forgot all of that in...